Articles Screen
Articles Screen
The Articles Screen shows articles NewsBrain has recently fetched. Here, each article displays a summary - the headline, the start of its text, and often a picture. There is also an Interest Level View which shows NewsBrain's predicted Level of Interest for the article (or the actual level you have set for it).
Page through articles by swiping from the right edge toward the left. to see new, interesting ones, or from left to right to review ones you've already seen.
Tap on an article to make the Article Screen appear, which shows the full article. From that screen, you can tap on the headline to visit the web site and see the full article in context. As a shortcut, you can triple-tap on the article to bypass the Article Screen and go directly to the web site.
Press and hold the Interest Level View to override NewsBrain's predicted interest and specify your actual interest. This is how NewsBrain learns, so do it whenever its prediction is off. You can also do this on the Articles Screen.
Press and hold the article image and a menu will appear, with commands to Share the article, start speaking, save it to the Pocket service, open it on the Article Screen, or visit the article web page.
As you page through the articles, ones you page past, get marked as seen. Ones you've moved well past are are eventually removed from NewsBrain and so you may not be able to page back through your entire previous session.
The Articles Screen shows new unseen articles by order of predicted Interest Level first and by date second. NewsBrain works behind the scenes to predict interest and fetch new articles, and as it does so, it is constantly reordering upcoming pages to show you the most interesting, newest ones first.
Tapping the Refresh button (with the circular arrow) will cause NewsBrain to start fetching a new round of articles right away. This happens in the background, so it may take a few seconds for the articles to appear, and a few more seconds for the it to make predictions. You may never have to use the Refresh button, since NewsBrain automatically fetches articles when the app starts and when it's queue of about-to-be-seen articles is running low. It might be of use if your Internet connection comes back after it is disrupted.