Profiles Screen
Profiles Screen
The Profiles Screen shows all the Interest Profiles you have in your copy of NewsBrain. Tap a profile name to see the topics within it. Tap a profile Info button to see the Profile Info Screen.
NewsBrain starts with a single Interest Profile that covers a very wide range of interests. That is all you need. But in some cases, multiple interest profiles can be useful. You can create or import additional profiles.
If you have several people who use your device, you might want to make a profile for each. Or perhaps you want to make a profile that only covers sports, or concentrates on some other topic. Or you might want to try out a profile you got from a friend.
If you have multiple profiles, you can use this screen to activate a profile. Tap to the left of a profile name to activate it. The checkmark indicates which profile is active. Only one profile can be made active at a time. NewsBrain uses topics in the active profile when it predicts interest in an article. When you manually adjust a topic, however, only related topics in its own profile are adjusted.
You can delete a profile from this screen by swiping left across its name. You can also delete a profile from its Profile Info Screen. Deleting a profile will delete every topic it owns, which may be thousands of topics, and of course all its learned will be lost. You might want to export it to iTunes before deleting, if you might someday want to get it back.